Sunday, May 8, 2011

In the loving memory of Osama ji - painfully yours Digvijay Singh ( 1 idiot)

It appears like Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh is suffering from an acute desease of 'foot in mouth'.
As if, the Late Sh. Karakare call records fiasco or the siding with Batala House terrorists was not enough, Digvijay Singh
has again made his 'vote bank'intention very clear by expressing remorse over Osama Bin Laden's encounter, his supposedly un-islamic burial etc etc.
How pained he is and what a personal sense of loss he feels, we all can well understand when he referrs to the mass murderer as - 'Osama ji'.

what a pain!!!
And why not? After all both of them had similar agendas. Both wanted to ruin this country.
Now that his able and trusted general is no more, like a true Talibani soldier Digviay will continue with his anti India propoganda.
Interestingly, Digvijay does all this to appease Indian Muslims.
And what a bad judge he is to calculate, that Indian Muslims still have anything to do with Pakistan. No body in India, no Indian Muslim is weeping on Osama's death, but Digivijay Singh is pained that why that mass murderer who once declared India its enemy no. 1, was not given a proper burial.

The idoit either does not know a simple fact or may be he chooses to ignore something that even a normal kid has understood, that those who loved Pakistan have already gone there in 1947
and linking Indian Muslims with their Paki counterparts is a blot not only on the self respect of a normal Indian Muslim but also a stab on the concept called India.

But then, Digvijay Singh's ideas have many takers, even within his own party.
Mani Shankar Aiyar with all his elite English and with all his might explained to his viewers of NDTV how India should
not take a similar step like US for getting a hold of 26/11 conspirators and other terrorists hiding in Pakistan.
The same Mani Shankar Aiyar who never fails to shout 'Bhagwa Aatankwaad'at the drop of a hat, explains to his NDTV viewers how terrorism has no religion.

The official position of the Union of India on 26/11 is that the attack was orchestrated by the terrorists hiding inside Pakistan.
But Digvijay Singh is Digvijay Singh...he releases a book of an obscure jounalist which claims that it was a conspiracy hatched by the fountainhead of nationalism- RSS.
Co-incidentally, at the same time Rahul Baba also tell a visiting US envoy that India faces more threat from 'Bhagwa Aatankvaad' then the jihadi terrorists imported from Pakistan.
Next we know is, that using the same logic Pakistan blames India for showing double standards on terroism and accuses India of inaction on 'Bhagwa Aatankvaad'.

God knows, which direction these pseudosecularist politicians will take this country.